What is Human Design?

When I discovered Human Design, it immediately drew me in like a magnet. I’ve tried lots of different aptitude/personality tests, so being used to questionnaires, at first I had an inner conflict with systems based on date of birth alone. They’ve all always seemed too generic to me.

The moment I discovered my design, I was struck by the amount of information I found there and it’s mindblowing accuracy. It won me over completely! For the first time, I had the feeling that I had “landed home” and found a deep acceptance of myself. There were so many answers to my doubts and my life in general. It really makes me wonder if there is such a thing as destiny. It’s amazing to observe how closely we are connected to the universe.

What is Human Design?

Human Design was created in 1987 by Alan Robert Krakower or Ra Uru Hu (1948-2011), a quite mystical individual. He dedicated the last 25 years of his life to teaching the System around the world, teaching people how to make better decisions, gain awareness and live a healthy life.

Human Design System draws on multiple resources:


Human Design uses the part of astrology to define our planetary imprinting. It’s how the celestial bodies influence us and every other living being.

You will find the 13 planets on the right and left of your Design.

Learn more about Astrology


IIn Sanskrit, the term “Chakra” means a ‘wheel’, ‘disc’ or ‘circle’. They’re the energy centres in Hinduism and Buddhism traditions.

In Human Design there are 9 centres: Head, Ajna, Throat, G, Heart, Spleen, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Root.

Learn more about Chakras


Kabbalah is a set of esoteric and mystical teachings specific to Rabbinic Judaism. Human Design has different similarities, but maybe the most evident one is the Sephirot, from which the 36 channels on the graph have taken their inspiration.

Learn more about Kabbalah


I’Ching (or yi jing; i king) is the Chinese Book of Changes that was used as a divination system around 1150-1250 BC.

Human Design uses it’s 64 hexagrams and 6 lines.

Learn more about I Ching


In Human Design, the 64 Hexagrams are directly connected to the 64 genetic codons that form our DNA. It shows how our genetics impact on our personality traits.

Learn more about I Ching & Genetics


According to Human Design, the 64 hexagrams and centres are connected and influence our organs and vice versa. I haven’t found studies to support it, but from my own experience, it’s creepyly accurate.

Quantum physics

We get imprinted twice: approx. 3 months before being born and at the moment of birth. And the imprinting happens as Neutrinos from the general cosmic background radiation pass through our body and leave their information in us.

Most of the neutrinos come from our Sun, this is why also in our Human Design chart, the Sun/Earth characteristics are the most prominent in us (70%).

Learn more about Neutrinos

Our Design is beautifully unique! it comes from:

  • 26 planetary activations
  • 64 possible gates
  • 6 lines
  • 6 colours
  • 5 bases
  • 6 tones

There are approx. 1.800.000 possible combinations that make up your chart + 4 aura types, 9 centers, 12 profiles, 36 channels, 192 incarnation crosses.


Human Design gives us knowledge about how the individual functions, energetically speaking. It helps us know their characteristics, the archetype they live by and the figurative role of their energy.

What I love about Human Design is that it’s bias-free information. Personality tests are quite influenced by how the person perceives oneself while basing ourselves on birth information doesn’t leave space for interpretations.

Note that information is never intended to limit potential, rather they act as guides to bring out natural talents and nurture them. Human Design shows where a person can find more success and satisfaction, by doing what. It doesn’t box us in.


We can use it to understand ourselves better to:

  • make better decisions,
  • find a sense of purpose and motivation,
  • reconnect to our true nature,
  • learn to let go of what doesn’t serve us.


For business, we can use it to:

  • understand our impact on others and vice versa.
  • find the best work environment.
  • learn to manage our (and others’) energy.
  • communicate better with peers.
  • figure out the challenges and bonds within partnerships.
  • See where the team has energetic problems. By putting the individual designs together, we can see if they have major issues such as, for example, resource management, planning, overview of what they’re doing…
  • See how the new staff member will influence the team they enter. In this case, Human Design can give an interesting point of view on recruitment.


Human Design gives us data, the sky is the limit on how we use it – ethically.

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